23 July 2010

No Much New.....

Not a lot has happened this week. No one got hurt and everyone still has all of their limbs. Thank goodness for that! We are preparing for our final shipment to be packed up and taken away. That will happen this week. YAY!!! One step closer to moving to another country! We are getting more excited about the move, I am getting more stressed about it; but the kids and Michael are ready! Just wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and it would all be done and over with.

Found out this week I have a freaking nerve problem in my back that no medicine can help! I do have some things to help the pain not occur as often but nothing can stop it completely. Just Great HUH! I will make it though, I am a Mother, and we don't have a choice do we?!

Anyway enough of that and on to some great mother nature shots I took this week.

Natures Beauty - taken outside our door in our stairwell. He was just chillin' on the wall until some little girl, not mentioning any names, decided she needed to touch it! I don't think I have ever seen a moth this color!

Natures Beauty

Night Sky - taken on July 15th. I saw the moon shinning so bright and just had to have a picture of it!

Night Sky

I have been told I take some of the oddest pictures. I respond to these unknowing people like this....... When I look around me I do not see just trees and grass. I do not see just birds and kids plying at the playground. I do not just see the moon sitting there for no apparent reason. I SEE PICTURES!!! Everything I look at I see through the eye of my camera. If I feel like the subject is worthy I take a picture of it. Look around you, and you will find that there are so many things out there that would make a great picture. I refer back to one of my favorite shots.

Shed in Summer
My shed in summer......

Shed in Winter

This little shed is off of the A62. I don't know why but it caught my eye last winter. I have multiple shots of it. This is the shot that hangs in my hallway!

So next time your out on a walk or even a drive look around and you may see things differently too! Have a good week! GOD BLESS!!!!

20 July 2010


Okay, so the family and I went on a walk the other day around post. We tend to do this often. Of course I had my camera with me and I took some great shots of our nations flag blowing in the breeze!!

Looking from a far.....
Pride #2

Looking up at beauty.....

I thought my fellow Americans would enjoy these. This is all I have for now. Have a good week!

13 July 2010

Eventful Days

Well lately we have been just getting things ready to leave here and head back to the good ole USA!!!! Cleaning, packing, making appointments; you know this is a process! Caden was playing with Taylor and the neighbors child and they got rough and Caden fell and busted his head. At first I thought okay its just scratched a bit and there is just all this blood but he is fine. Then I cleaned the blood off and I saw this!

First glance....

Then I moved his hair back and saw this.......


So we were on our way to the hospital, which is about 20 minutes away, and our faithful neighbor comes out and says he called the Aid station for his unit and they were ready and willing to fix him up right away. So we went right down the road and took him. The man that fixed my baby was so nice. I was concerned because of dealing with the unexpected, but this man knew what he was doing. My baby boy sat there all big in his daddy's lap as he cleaned and stapled him up. Of course he yelled a bit, but nothing like I expected he would! He is a tough little man.

So after we got back home he wanted to see his staples so I took a picture for him to see.


I hope this didn't gross you out that much!

Today, 24 hours later, he is running around acting like nothing happened. Michael is wanting him to be extra careful but hey he is a 4 year old boy, how careful is he really going to be!

On a lighter note, we have made reservations for our temporary lodging here and at our destination. So we will not be homeless for a little while anyway! I just hope this flight goes smoothly! It is such a long flight and we haven't made it since Jessi has gotten older. The flights before she just slept, but I am thinking that is not going to happen this time! I guess we will find out next month!

Hope I haven't bored you too much! Until next time, have a blessed day!

05 July 2010

Great 4th of July

Well yesterday was the 4th of July. We all celebrate our independence in different ways. Our family had a cookout with friends and had a great time. We started in the back yard on the slip n slide with good food and music, then went to the lake for a little play time. Here are a few shots for your viewing pleasure!

Enjoying the day!

Caden on the Slip n Slide
Slide Baby Boy

Jessi on the Slip n Slide
Slip N Slide Jessi

Taylor on the Slip n Slide
Taylor Slidin'

Me and Jessi
Me and Jess

Jessi at Bostelsee
Beach Baby


The Fire Breather
Fire Breather

Hope you enjoyed seeing my photos and your day as well! Until next time, have a blessed day!