13 July 2010

Eventful Days

Well lately we have been just getting things ready to leave here and head back to the good ole USA!!!! Cleaning, packing, making appointments; you know this is a process! Caden was playing with Taylor and the neighbors child and they got rough and Caden fell and busted his head. At first I thought okay its just scratched a bit and there is just all this blood but he is fine. Then I cleaned the blood off and I saw this!

First glance....

Then I moved his hair back and saw this.......


So we were on our way to the hospital, which is about 20 minutes away, and our faithful neighbor comes out and says he called the Aid station for his unit and they were ready and willing to fix him up right away. So we went right down the road and took him. The man that fixed my baby was so nice. I was concerned because of dealing with the unexpected, but this man knew what he was doing. My baby boy sat there all big in his daddy's lap as he cleaned and stapled him up. Of course he yelled a bit, but nothing like I expected he would! He is a tough little man.

So after we got back home he wanted to see his staples so I took a picture for him to see.


I hope this didn't gross you out that much!

Today, 24 hours later, he is running around acting like nothing happened. Michael is wanting him to be extra careful but hey he is a 4 year old boy, how careful is he really going to be!

On a lighter note, we have made reservations for our temporary lodging here and at our destination. So we will not be homeless for a little while anyway! I just hope this flight goes smoothly! It is such a long flight and we haven't made it since Jessi has gotten older. The flights before she just slept, but I am thinking that is not going to happen this time! I guess we will find out next month!

Hope I haven't bored you too much! Until next time, have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my poor baby!!!! Hope he is feeling alright!!

On a lighter note.....I will be sooooooo glad when all of you are back in the US...:)